If any students would like to make a complaint about their education provider during this time, you can use the Online Complaint Form.
Did you know that Study Complaints | Ngā Amuamu Tauira can resolve certain types of disputes about student accommodation?
Tūngia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke
Most learners in Aotearoa New Zealand have a great experience throughout their studies, however sometimes issues can arise.
The iStudent Complaints and Study Complaints | Ngā Amuamu Tauira team will be available across the Christmas and New Year period.
Study Complaints | Ngā Amuamu Tauira is the new Domestic Tertiary Student and International Studen
We are excited to introduce our new scheme – Study Complaints | Ngā Amuamu Tauira.
The iStudent Complaints team will be available across the Christmas and New Year period, except for the official statutory days.